Training, rest and walks

During the entire stay, your dog will undergo two-phase training adapted to the task, which we mutually agree on in advance. Exercises such as sit, lie down, stay, calling or walking by the leg will be taught using the method of positive reinforcement. With the professional approach of the RDCA team, your dog will learn all the exercises perfectly and thus become a real pro in obedience. A walk in the local forest, retrieving a ball or a chase with other dogs will be a pleasant activity after training, during which your dog will air out his head and legs. Everyday activities tire many a dog. That’s why we’ll give your dog an undisturbed rest after a hard day. In a separate box, he will enjoy his soft bed or parquet floors on which he can cool off perfectly. It will feel almost like home.

Always in touch

We have dogs too and we understand that separation can be difficult. Sending photos or videos of the activities your dog takes is a matter of course for us.


We’ll teach you how. When handing over the dog in person, we will describe the learning process of individual exercises in detail. Thanks to the theory we will cover together, you will be able to apply all the new commands anytime, anywhere. We will surely put a smile on your face with a practical demonstration of the learned exercises. You will see how your dog has learned all the exercises and how happily he can perform them. While handing over the dog, we will go through all the learned exercises together under our supervision and with our help in training. We will teach you command techniques and the way to communicate with the dog in the given exercise. You will become a perfectly matched couple.

perfect vacation

Pick up your dog in person a few days in advance and combine the pleasant with the useful. The beauties of Slovakia are waiting for you! We will book you a hotel and prepare a program with tips for places you can visit. You will thus be able to get to know the spa town of Piešťany, the beautiful historic Trnava, Nitra, and the capital of Slovakia, Bratislava. We will end the day-long program together with a training lesson with your dog. Enjoying Slovakia and getting to know your dog perfectly during a few days will be the best time spent. All joint training lessons are a gift from us. How your dog gets to RDCA is up to you. You can use your own transport, RDCA transport, a professional animal transport company or by air. We will be happy to help you organize transport and ensure administration.

Remote assistance

We will help you with your training even after you get home. We have prepared an online and offline video zone for you. In the offline video zone, you will find instructions with a detailed description of the training lessons we completed with your dog. You will be able to see how to properly and train with your dog at any time. The online video zone serves to send your home training videos. You are learning a new communication and a small mistake can happen. Therefore, what you send us, we will look, analyze, evaluate and then recommend you to continue training.

I want a price quote

After sending the form, we will contact you as soon as possible with a non-binding price offer.

Describe your dog's personality and describe the exercises you would like to teach him. Take advantage of the opportunity to send a video from a walk and a short training session. We will be able to complete the picture and prepare a training program offer for your dog.

Chcem cenovú ponuku

Po odoslaní formulára vás v čo najkratšom čase budeme kontaktovať s nezáväznou cenovou ponukou.

Charakterizujte povahu svojho psa a popíšte cviky, ktoré by ste ho chceli naučiť. Využite možnosť zaslania video vizitky z venčenia a krátkeho tréningu. My si tak budeme môcť uceliť obraz a pripraviť ponuku tréningového programu pre vášho psa.


Nach dem Absenden des Formulars werden wir Sie so schnell wie möglich mit einem unverbindlichen Angebot der Kosten kontaktieren.

Beschreiben Sie das Wesen Ihres Hundes und die Übungen die Sie ihm beibringen möchten. Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit eine Videovisitenkarte des Spaziergangs und eine kurze Trainingseinheit zu senden. Auf diese Weise können wir uns das Gesamtbild vervollständigen und ein Angebot für ein Trainingsprogramm für Ihren Hund erstellen.

Je désire un devis

Nous vous contacterons dans les plus brefs délais avec une offre non contractuelle une fois le formulaire envoyé.
Décrivez la personnalité de votre chien et aussi les exercices que vous aimeriez lui apprendre. Profitez-en pour nous envoyer une vidéo d'une promenade et d'une courte séance d'entraînement. Nous pourrons mieux évaluer votre animal et lui préparer un programme de dressage sur mesure.